Have been working the new job, which is decent enough. The way things are right now, especially in California, I'm truly grateful for a paycheck. Nice to be working at a little independent bookstore again. The owner is a bit neurotic, but aren't they all.
Anise has the summer off, so have been spending a lot of time hanging out with her, so haven't been getting as much writing done, but I'm managing here and there.
Spent today sitting around with Anise and drawing while listening to Bill Evans and Eric Satie. As pleasant a day as I've had in quite a while.
The fruits of my scribbling:

As well as a new piece on Poesy Magazine's site. (My piece is the second poem that appears on the page). The poem appears in the hardcopy version of the new issue as well, which is guest edited by Debbie Kirk. It contains quality work by a lot of good folk, and the issue remembers the late poet Dave Church. Give it a look, why doncha?
What else? O yeah, I'm on another Cormac McCarthy kick...working my way through the Border Trilogy. I'm about a third of the way through The Crossing, and it might be my favorite yet. We'll see.
That's all.