Tuesday, October 5, 2010


For those kind souls who may be interested, some recent and upcoming happenings involving my work:

I was recently the guest on the Tree Killer Ink Radio show, brought to you by Epic Rites Press. Listen in and hear me ramble on about random things with hosts Wolfgang Cartsens and Rob Plath. In the midst of it all I manage to read a few poems and discuss some upcoming projects. It was a grand time.

Click here for the podcast.

And... Tree Killer Ink # 6 is now available. I'm the featured writer of the issue which contains 25 new poems that have not appeared in book form. The first 25 people who order a copy will receive a free broadside from Epic Rites, which is pretty dern cool. Take a moment and check it out. You'll be doing a bit to support a really amazing and hardworking independent press.

A selection of the broadsides can be found here.

Beat The Dust, the wonderful litzine out of the UK has devoted its current issue to Epic Rites authors. Stop by and watch a video of me reading some of my lame Allen Ginsberg wannabe poems.

And, lastly, a recent review of my latest poetry collection, The Hunger Season, can be found here.

Thanks and Love.